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Movies (click on the circle images for more info about the character/mun)


99% for youβ € 1996β € 1h 40m

GhostFace! | It/Its ( he/him ok! ) | Height: 5'10 | Weight: 130 lbs | Eldritch Horror | Panromantic/Pansexual | The First Instance of the GhostFace Serial Killings | Flirty | Erratic | Egotistical | Can take the appearance of a human | NOT THE SAME GHOSTFACE FROM THE MOVIES OR DBD
GhostFace can usually be seen wearing the Original Outfit from the first movie ( also known as the classic outfit ) while other times it can be seen wearing the renewed version from Dead By Daylight. On occasions, it will take on the form of the " Raining Blood " outfit as well. Note: The long parts of the sleeves float of their own volition.
As an entity rather than a normal human, GhostFace can faze in and out of existence. This can be used as teleportation or just to hide and stalk its prey. Extremely durable, GhostFace can endure physical altercations without much of a problem. It can take damage and it can die, but because it is an entity, it will always come back. Guns and weapons do little to nothing but are a good way to slow it down. GhostFace is not extremely fast but can run for long distances and narrowly dodge most things ( unless it is caught off guard which can be easy to do ).
Power: Night Shroud
- While Night Shroud is active, GhostFace has no Terror Radius and emits no red stain.
- Performing a basic attack will fully deplete the power gauge and deactivate Night Shroud.
- Survivors within close proximity to GhostFace can reveal it by looking in its direction for a short duration. This will fully deplete the power gauge and automatically deactivate Night Shroud.
- Survivors who reveal GhostFace have their current location indicated by Killer Instinct for a very short duration.
It can also stalk its victims and while behind cover it can lean out. Night Shroud also grants it the ability to stalk faster after a period of time.
- Completing stalk progress on a Survivor will Mark its target and apply the Exposed status effect to its Mark for a limited amount of time.
- Furtive Chase: It becomes obsessed with one Survivor. It lurks in the shadows, eliminating its victims one by one. When its Obsession is hooked, the perk receives a token, up to a maximum of 2 tokens.
β €β €Each token decreases its Terror Radius by 4 meters while in a chase.β €β €When a Survivor rescues the Obsession from a hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession. It loses all its tokens if the Obsession is sacrificed or killed.β €β €The killer may only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
- I’m All Ears: Its keen senses are sharpened in the dark realm of The Entity.
β €β €Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. Any Survivor performing a rushed action within 48 meters from its location will have their aura revealed for 6 seconds.β €β €I’m All Ears can only be triggered once every 60 seconds.
- Thrilling Tremors: Its dark designs and shrewd composure rouse The Entity.
β €β €After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for the next 16 seconds. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.β €β €Thrilling Tremors can only be triggered once every 100 seconds.( Please Note that all abilities will be incorporated into this portrayal of GhostFace and while it seems like it is op, it is actually very easy to escape it due to it being clumsy and other factors that will be discussed next. )Weaknesses
GhostFace is EXTREMELY clumsy and tends to act more on instinct in the heat of battle ( while it is more thoughtful and methodical behind the scenes or stalking ). It attacks ONLY under special circumstances or if threatened. Otherwise, it really likes to play games. GhostFace's weapon of choice, the tactical knife, makes it vulnerable to guns or any long-distance weapon. While GhostFace has been known to attack during the day, it is also much weaker and easier to be spotted compared to nighttime. It is an entity but is also a physical manifestation of a physical body. It doesn't take off the mask, so if someone manages to take it off, it'll disappear instantly.
GhostFace has some phobias as well:- Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or crowds.
- Autophobia - Fear of being alone. ( This one is something it hides as best as it can. )
- Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors. ( While GhostFace is known to use mirrors in some of his attacks/stalking, it doesn't like looking right into them. )
- Hydrophobia - Fear of water. ( This only really applies to the ocean or large lakes )
- Scoptophobia - Fear of being stared at.
( Note that even though I have given out these fears & weaknesses does not give you permission for your muse to automatically know them. They must be learned or told. )Personality
GhostFace is extremely flirty and can have a very laid-back attitude. It hardly gets angry but can be irritated using the right words. Curious by nature, GhostFace isn't sure about many things that it hasn't experienced such as love, care, etc. This makes it hard to get into a relationship though it is not impossible. At times, the entity will tease others, especially If they become friends, but will always be suspicious or paranoid around everyone. It has trust issues due to its past.
- GhostFace does not sleep nor really needs sleep.
- When it does sleep, it has many nightmares, most of them jolting it awake.
- When it takes human form, it wears Corpse Paint. It also has blond, shoulder-length hair with a black streak on the right side. Left parted at the bangs. Crystal Blue/Clear eyes. Lithe, Masculine frame.
- Sometimes it will eat its victims in acts of cannibalism. Though it doesn't need to nourish itself, GhostFace seems to do it out of pure pleasure.
- Its weapon of choice is a tactical knife ( it has many hidden on itself ) but it can also use blunt weapons or whatever it can get its hands on.
- GhostFace is connected to the Prescott lineage dating back to the Middle Ages. (More detail is given on the Scream 2 page).
- Likes most who will give it attention.
- Is an entity of revenge/vengeance
- Cannot be exorcised and crucifixes, holy water, bible verses, etc cannot harm it.
- Wouldn't mind romance and despite being flirty, it's kind of shy.
- Can have mood swings that go from gentle/playful to aggressive/angry. This change can happen quickly.
- Is one kinky mfer when in those situations. Mostly a sub but can dom when it wants.
- Is curious about MOST of the Killers and wishes to talk to them more.
- Is also curious about survivors as well, but doesn't expect them to be friendly. They would have to approach it. And do so cautiously.
- Secretly dislikes being mistaken for the copycat killers, but will usually explain itself.
- Likes to drink and do some drugs, its health is hardly affected by such things
- GhostFace's natural voice sounds like the voice changer from the first movie!
- Will add more as I go along.
(press play to go back)


99% for youβ € 1997β € 2h 2m

The Entity that started the murders. First appearing years ago during the late Middle Ages summoned by someone in the Prescott Family ( Sidney's ancestor ). The GhostFace was pulled from the Void and shoved into the plane of Mortals where it was bound to the Prescott. It did as they told, killing their enemies or even allowing them greater power to do it themselves.
GhostFace and the Prescott killed many but the contract between the two quickly went south. GhostFace became angered and betrayed, cursing their future descendants to a life of misfortune, murder, and mystery.When the Prescott finally died, GhostFace was set free to roam about the mortal plane. Though it was not interested in the affairs of the humans. So, the entity went dormant all the way to ~1995.A Halloween costume designer designed a costume in its likeness, calling it the GhostFace in 1991. ( Said designer came across old scriptures and tomes about GhostFace and wished to design a costume out of it ).And while the Costume became popular, it wasn't until Roman ( behind the scenes ), Billy, and Stu murdered Maureen Prescott in ~1995 that GhostFace was reawakened.While it lets the copycat killers do as they will, it gives them what seems like supernatural abilities ( being able to move in and out of places quickly, survive things most humans wouldn't, the ability to stalk ) however with such power comes instability.(Note: If you write one of these characters and wish to omit this part, that is completely fine with me, communication is key, so please let me know )While it stalks Sidney Prescott as well as other members of her family, it is in no rush to see their demise. Where's the fun if there's no game?


99% for youβ € 2000β € 1h 54m

ZEN | Fennec | Isa ( whichever you prefer ). They | Them. 25. Horror Fan! Video Game Fan! Will probably make more horror accounts at a later time.
Wanna follow my writer's account? It's @MercyfuIFate (click on the underlined text) (Writer's accounts only, will not follow back rp accounts)I suffer from extreme anxiety and social anxiety, which makes it really hard for me to approach people. Please be patient with me if I do not reply right away. Please never be afraid to come in my DMs or interact with my tweets, I am extremely friendly, just nervous.I usually prefer serious storylines and plots but will do crack/banter.If I haven't replied in a week, feel free to bump the reply. The bird app just probably ate it. ( Note: I usually bookmark my replies when I can't get to them, but sometimes twitter deletes the reply before I get to it. )I WILL NOT follow back minors, shotas, lolis, pure lewd, pedophiles, etc. Don't even try it.No Drama please, for the love of everything. It makes me more anxious.If my muse ever makes you feel uncomfortable, please let me know and I will adjust it! Within reason of course, since it is a serial killer.Muse does NOT equal mun. I do not condone its views or behaviors.


99% for youβ € 2011β € 1h 51m

( Note: This is really only for me to document my changes and when I make them to this carrd. )Change Log
- Created: 10/31/2021
- Edited: 11/01/2021
- ** Edited & Finished**: 11/02/2021
- Edited: 05/24/2022